Saturday, April 21, 2007

Neko Case Youtube Video Roundup!

This video for Porchlight is from the Brit show Bad Girls (trivia: Porchlight was also used in what Showtime show featuring a rag-tag gang of women "friends" from LA? Hint: three words and the second begins with "L"!

1 comment:

queercat said...

SO, Bad Girls is really good BBC soap-opera style drama about a women's prison. The clips in this video are from seasons 1-2, which are about 7 years old now. The basic story is that Nikki Wade is imprisoned for killing a police officer who was sexually assaulting her girlfriend in a bar. Of course, she and the previously-straight warden fall in love, and Nikki ends up escaping prison to be with her after she's quit her job. The whole thing takes years to accomplish. What's so interesting to me is the totally sympathetic portrayal of a cop-killer, which would never happen on American TV, plus the idea that the two would actually be allowed to eventually get together! Bad Girls runs intermittently on BBC, and is worth checking out.