Thursday, May 10, 2007

My Own Private Beatles Concert

The picture you're looking at is basically what every girl I "work with" imagines herself doing with the goalie of a certain sports team. Every single time the team gets a day or two break, he comes home and opens up his garage and washes his SUV, which is BMW--sans shirt, glistening muscles. The girls rush to the windows and scream and cry, just like the girls did for the Beatles or that androgynous singer on American Idol.

Once again (sigh), the goalie has had to complain about all the bothersome noise. Once again (double sigh), out boss has had to bring this up during the faculty meeting. It's actually preventing our diurnal activities from moving forward, such a big problem it has become.

Thanks alot, goalie. I finally get away from the jock-ridden halls of every educational institution I've ever been in, and there you are weilding more power with brawn than a thousand nerds could hope to muster by uniting their bee-hive minds and writing one big killer essay.


queercat said...

This is what you get for separating out the sexes in education: the girls may perform better academically (don't they do better than boys on average, anyway?), but they also turn maleness into this secret, transcendent, forbidden object. Not sure how "progressive" that is.

lorna said...

i am so sorry dude. all those chicks need to stop screaming at my man. seriously. i unabashedly fall into that love struck category. i know. i suck. but he loves me. he totally does. for real.