So obviously I don't blog much these days. And I don't do "journal" blogs, either, or at least not much, as these are really just private thoughts. "I ate some cereal today everybody!" And work stuff is usually taboo, too, but boy oh boy do I have a gem this time.
So I have this "worker bee" at work, who, during her very first year of "work" broke the rules and "stole" from her neighbor's work. She went before a "judge" and was given a wrist-slap. Twice and you're kicked out.
Meanwhile, that same year, someone else committed the same crime, and this someone just so happened to be the 1st-year group's President. The president was "fired" and had to leave the "institution." Fast-forward three years. I am now the "boss" of (count 'em!) three worker-bees who stole and have been found guilty. Though they don't have to leave, they are are on probation.
This is where it gets good. One of these three just happens to be the one who REPLACED the previous president in year 1, which means now, in 2007, she has to step down as current president.
The rest of the worker bees in her group were told to vote for a new president and vice-president. I know, I know. Why can't the vice-president take over?
Get this. It's because this innocent, model worker bee happens to have served on the committee that voted Guilty (unanimously) for all three--the conflict of interest prevents her from stepping up. So she will remain VP.
The worker bees voted. In solidarity, they WROTE IN the Guilty person's name as VICE president, affectively kicking out the current VP and reinstating their thieving friend to some level of status. (The new president is of no interest.)
Vindication! You could hear it in the hallways. The bosses were evil and the workers of the world had united and stuck it to us!
And the irony of it all is this. Because there are no by-laws saying the workers COULDN'T employ this subterfuge, we bosses got together behind closed doors and FIXED the election so that the Guilty worker couldn't win! What is more, we forced her to give a speech saying she is so guilty that she must step down from all leadership roles completely--to make it clear that she's inelligible for any position.
The workers DEMAND A RECOUNT! I'm not kidding. There's mutiny a-bewing.
Where do I stand on all this? Well it was for my "project" that the worker stole--in fact, fabricated completely--all of her work. She told everyone she would do it before hand and her friends look up to her as a rebel, an icon. If I weren't to disapprove of this, I'd be allowing a flood of much more thievery. On the other hand, I disapprove of the bosses' dishonesty. It's not a democrasy anyway, so why not just say, "Nope, you can't do that. Vote again." Why lie and say she lost the vote?
Sigh. Am I way too involved in my work? Good god, I have no life do I? Wait, this is journalling, not blogging. D'oh!
I had to erase the last part of BEM's comment--I'm too nevous! BEM originally said:
You probably just don't understand that said cheater is just some dewy-eyed little Rory Gilmore and she gets everything SHE WHHAAANTS, dammit!
Mean ol' ____. That's you.
High school is not a democracy. I know these girls are mostly rich and are paying for the ILLUSION of democracy (a very American thing to do, wouldn't you say?), but sometimes you just gotta have a smack down. This may be one of the only times in their lives that they cheat and actually get punished for it, so I say pile it on!
1) I tried to write something that wouldn't link to you, but you really get called that, don't you?
2) What, you never heard of Julius Erving and his nickname that's way more famous than you?
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