Monday, March 3, 2008

Dinner and an Ear Exam

Last night my brother and his wife and their son visited me. They had just watched Sicko, and guess what they said! "If things don't change, we're moving to Canada!"

Meanwhile, we visited their friend J___, a new myspace friend of mine through them, and who is getting a Ph D in Audiology. Gotta love nerds, no matter what field their in. "Just for fun," she gave us hearing tests. Had one before? It's not just the beeps and boops you have to listen to, it's the anechoic chamber one has sit in while being tested. Without any sounds or echoes, you are forced to listen to your own breathing, the blood rushing through your ears, and every swallow and lip smack you make. Torture! Try doing this for a couple of hours. Waterboarding is for sissies.

Anyway, I don't have any hearing damage, at least not above 8-12 KHz. Humans supposedly can hear between 20 and 20,000 Hz, when we're "young" at least. But since most sounds fall within 1000-8000 HZ, they don't even test for the outer ranges.

So after having bashed drums and cymbals into my skull for over two decades, and after having not visited a dentist in 7 years, I'm tinitus and cavity-free. Knock on wood.

But the most interesting part of the evening was my sister-in-law essentially pushing the audiologist and me together. "You should hang out; you're both right in Buffalo." Awkward silence. Yeah, except she's supposedly getting married to a dude who never visits her in Buffalo and whom she doesn't talk about much or apparently have anything in common with--except that he'll "be a great father."

"A great father"? Oh, I GET IT. So dudes like me are the one who (can) fulfill all the basics needs of a relationship EXCEPT the practical and domestic ones. And of course, the "most important" one--reproducing. God, it was so frickin' awkward realizing that the elephant in the room was, "See, B, if you just wanted to settle down and become one-half of a couple with someone, you'd get a girl like THIS. See what you're giving up?" I saw my life flashing before my very eyes! All the "hot" ones I could have had if only I was the marrying kind. I looked at pictures of this dude and saw how much she is WAY out of his league. That's how fat balding dudes can do it; that's the secret. Just be really, really nice, devoted, and a potential "good father." You'll never have to worry about what kind of books she reads or anything like that. That's something people do "on the side," anyway.

Just to add to cosmic joke, we indeed discussed books for a while and yes, we have very similar tastes in nonfiction. For instance, she's reading about Mormon fundamentalism and the Elizabeth Smart case. THEN she proceeded to outline all of her favorite VIDEO GAMES she plays. Wh-wh-what? Oh yeah. She's "addicted" to her PS2 and is a life-long Lara Croft fan. She "looks at her surroundings and imagines how she could jump or climb on things in order to get to the top of the highest building around." Sounds familiar?

Well, to end on a good note, here's a funny video about it. Watch all the way until the end, esp the angry people:


queercat said...

Those hearing tests are really weird--I had one last year and it turned out that I had the hearing of "a four-year old," so I guess Patti Smith didn't blow out my left eardrum after all. Did she do the thing where she says a word without you seeing her lips, and then you have to repeat it? That was the weirdest.

You should make friends with her so that when her marriage goes sour, you're the one she turns to in desperation!

B said...

I know--be the "special friend" right? I've done it before, but not like this. Kinda lookin' forward to all the divorcees! But this won't happen until I'm pushing 50, probably. Oh well...

No, she didn't do anything other than the beeps, but I know what you're talking about because we had that done in grade school.

asenath said...

If you all are going to insist on undermining the sanctity of marriage, you should just all move to Canada!

Bourbon Enthusiast Monthly said...

Re: the video.

What's interesting is that a decade of Tom Green and Jackass and YouTube is that this kind of "freaking out the squares in public, on video" thing is boring.

The coach at the end wasn't flipping out, like, "WHAT'RE YOU DOIN'?? GO ON, GIT!" He was just exasperated, and clearly understood what was going on. When the squares are too savvy to be freaked, then this particular trend is just played-out.

Katamari still rules, however.