Friday, January 12, 2007


This is a blatant attempt to outdo Cait's discovery of, which challenges many conventions and even raises the question as to whether an orgasmic face is "porn." I offer, which was linked from a site that was linked to beautifulagony. No one can deny that women are the true inheritors of the earth, that each woman embodies Gaia--in her groin area especially. Last summer's dealings with Hitler Fudd have taught me that I must be more tolerant of alternatives to the "norm" of shaved/bleached/siliconed porn, and this is it! Who among us wouldn't cherish their "old lady" if she were a hippie goddess? She would provide me, as a man, a timeless and spiritual link to all other women throughout time. She is the vessel through which I, the male principle, or "lingham," redeems, renews, and refreshes himself. We compliment each other like yin and yang, from time immemorial. See her dance! Heat the drums! She is calling me. What? What's that? I hear you! Yes, we shall dance with the wolves in the moon-shadow of your unshaved vagina! I hear...I hear...dumh...dumhn...DUHM....dum..ta-ta dumh...duhm....duhn....


asenath said...

Yes, B, I too feel the call of Cthulhu...I mean...the Goddess! Spiral dancing in the moonlight! Like Ed Gien...I mean...Starhawk! (insert appropriate howl here)

But seriously, I'm having a yen for some of those amazing special b burrrritooos (roll the r here appropriately) and some delightfully creepy cinema. I've been dwelling on them recently. mmmmm.

queercat said...

My favorite sentences from the site:

"A new movement is started now, one that appreciates the beauty of girls, and want it to be acknowledged for itself, not something that is just there to support Art or stimulate sex. We respect woman and her beauty, and we celebrate it. (The same goes for males, of course, but those seem to be less prevalent.)"