Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Machine Elves Stole My Dissertation

Apparently DMT makes you see--I mean "communicate with"--little machine elves who represent alien life forms in disguise. Frustrated at the asburdity of this widely held belief, I googled "machine elves" and somehow stumbled upon "I see dead people" and then "ghost therapy," which led me to a link to my dissertation. What web page was I on now? Only amazon dot fucking com, who STOLE my diss from a database and are now selling it for $55 dollars (a lousy pdf file). Go to their homepage and type my full name. You'll see. Fuckin' machine elves at amazon. I was up all night drinking scotch and playing Burnout.


B said...

sure--you can have whatever you want: chapters, buddy-lists, machine-elves' corpses....

queercat said...

I think Mar summed it up the best:

"Somewhere, in the dark, little trolls are cranking the big wheels that make this shithouse run!"

Goddamn, that makes me laugh.

Kaecyy Tay-McCarthy said...

How the hell can they fucking do that and get away with it? I take it you're not getting any of that $55, so who the hell is all that money for, particularly when all the customer is receiving is a PDF file that they download? This baffles me. Maybe you should make a comment there as the author saying, "Hello, I'm the author and if you want this puppy, you can get it for free [or for less] from me at this address."